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Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/408/2025, Dated-20/02/2025, Following is the list of student's with their allotted topics of Electives (as per the options given by them) for the Batch 2021-2022. The dates for the electives will be intimidated afterwards. 20-02-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/355/2025, Dated 17/02/2025, The option for Electives for Phase - III, Part-II (2021-2022 Batch) MBBS students will be opened from 18/02/2025 (10 AM) to 19/02/2025 till 11:59 PM.The choice can be opted through the student login portal of the college website ( only. If not selected within the specified dates, choices will be filed automatically. 17-02-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/346/2025, Dated-15/02/2025, Following is the list of student's with their allotted topics of Electives (as per the options given by them) for the Batch 2022-2023. The dates for the electives will be intimidated afterwards. 15-02-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/299/2025, Dated 11/02/2025, The option for Electives for Phase - III, Part-I (2022-2023 Batch) MBBS students will be opened from 12/02/2025 (10 AM) to 13/02/2025 till 11:59 PM.The choice can be opted through the student login portal of the college website ( only. If not selected within the specified dates, choices will be filed automatically. 11-02-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/275/2025, Dated: 05/02/2025, Notice for the MBBS students of (2022-2023 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 4th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 10/02/2025 to 15/02/2025 through student portal of College Website( only. 05-02-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/274/2025, Date -05/02/2025 Notice for the MBBS students of (2020-2021 batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 9th Semester fees and pending Semester fees along with Hostel fees (if applicable) from 15/02/2025 to 20/02/2025 through student portal of College Website( only. 05-02-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/250/2025, Dated: 31/01/2025, Notice for the MBBS students of (2021-2022 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 5th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 02/02/2025 to 06/02/2025 through student portal of College Website( only. 31-01-2025
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/2199/2024, Dated: 13/12/2024, Notice for the MBBS students of (2021-2022 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 4th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 24/12/2024 to 28/12/2024 through student portal of College Website( only. 13-12-2024
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/2198/2024, Dated: 13/12/2024, Notice for the MBBS students of (2022-2023 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 3rd Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 18/12/2024 to 22/12/2024 through student portal of College Website( only. 13-12-2024
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/2180/2024, Dated: 10/12/2024, Notice for the MBBS students of (2023-2024 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 3rd Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 10/12/2024 to 14/12/2024 through student portal of College Website( only. 10-12-2024
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/911/2024, Dated 08/06/2024, Notice for the MBBS students of (2020-2021 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 6th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 15/06/2024 to 20/06/2024 through student portal of College Website( only. 08-06-2024
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/2012/2023, Dated 15/12/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - III Part-2 (2019-2020 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 8th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 26/12/2023 to 30/12/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 15-12-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/2011/2023, Dated 15/12/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - II (2021-2022 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 3rd Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 21/12/2023 to 25/12/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 15-12-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/2010/2023, Dated 15/12/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - III (2020-2021 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 5th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 16/12/2023 to 20/12/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 15-12-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1909/2023, Dated -23/05/2023, Notice - Publication of 3rd Internal Assessment for Phase-III (2020-2021) Students. 28-11-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1908/2023, Dated -23/05/2023, Notice - Publication of 5th Internal Assessment for Phase-II (2021-2022) Students. 28-11-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1277/2023, Date -26/08/2023 Notice for the newly admitted students (2023-2024 MBBS Batch) of 1st year are hereby informed that their classes will start from Friday September 01, 2023 in Lecture Theatre I, Academic Building, M.J.N Medical College & Hospital on 10:00 AM onwards. 26-08-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/849/2023, Dated 10/06/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - III (2020-2021 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 4th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 15/06/2023 to 19/06/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 10-06-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/735/2023, Dated 23/05/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - III (2019-2020 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 6th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 05/06/2023 to 08/06/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 23-05-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/734/2023, Dated -23/05/2023, Notice - Publication of 2nd Internal Assessment for Phase-I (2022-2023) Students. 23-05-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/733/2023, Dated 23/05/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - I (2022-2023 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 2nd Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 10/06/2023 to 13/06/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 23-05-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/422/2023, Dated-23/03/2023, Notice - Publication of Theory and Practical Internal Assessment Examination Schedule for Paramedical course (DRD,DOPT) 1st and 2nd year Students. 23-03-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/421/2023, Dated 22/03/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - II (2021-2022 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 2nd Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 27/03/2023 to 01/04/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 22-03-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/371/2023, Dated -14/03/2023, Notice - Publication of Clinical Posting and Class Routine for Phase-II (2021-2022) Students. 14-03-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/354/2023, Dated -10/03/2023, Notice - Publication of 2nd Internal Assessment (Theory and Practical) for Phase-I (2022-2023) Students. 10-03-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/354/2023, Dated -06/03/2023, Notice - Publication of clinical postings will start from 13th March 2023 for Phase-II, 2021-2022 Students (who have given the 1st Professional Examination 2023). 06-03-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/274/2023, Dated 21/02/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - III (2019-2020 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 5th Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) from 01/03/2023 to 04/03/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 21-02-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/272/2023, Dated 21/02/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - I, II & Phase - III Part-I (All Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) during the given following timeline (1st-7th July & December of each calendar year) through student portal of College Website( only. 21-02-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/211/2023, Dated 09/02/2023, Notice for all the MBBS students of Phase - I (2022-2023 Batch) who haven't paid their Hostel fees (if applicable) are hereby directed to deposit their fees from 14/02/2023 to 16/02/2023 through student portal of College Website( only. 09-02-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/61/2023, Dated -13/01/2023, Notice - Publication of 2nd Internal Assessment for Phase-III (2019-2020) Students. 13-01-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/40/2023, Dated -09/01/2023, Notice - partial modification of earlier Memo no. MJNMC/Prin/33/2023 dated 06.01.2023, Publication of 3rd Internal Assessment for Phase-II (2020-2021) Students. 09-01-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/33/2023, Dated -06/01/2023, Notice - Publication of 3rd Internal Assessment for Phase-II (2020-2021) Students. 06-01-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/32/2023, Dated 06/01/2023, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - I (2022-2023 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their Hostel fees (if applicable) from 18/01/2023 to 22/01/2023 through student portal of College Website( positively. 06-01-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/30/2023, Dated -06/01/2023, Notice - Examination routine of CA for students of Phase-II, Phase-III Part 1 (Theory & Oral Practical). 06-01-2023
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1948/2022, Dated-31/12/2022, Following is the list of student's with their allotted topics of Electives (as per the options given by them) for the Batch 2019-2020. The dates for the electives will be intimidated afterwards. 31-12-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1873/2022, Dated 17/12/2022, The option for Electives for Phase - III, Part-I (2019-2020 Batch) MBBS students will be opened from 20/12/2022 to 24/12/2022 till 11:59 PM. The students have to choose one topic from each of the two groups, Each subject will be allocated for one month. The choice can be opted through the student login portal of the college website ( only. If not selected within the specified dates, choices will be filed automatically. 17-12-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1771/2022, Dated-02/12/2022, Notice for all the students of 2022-2023 batch of MBBS course are directed to submit the original Migration Certificate/School Leaving Certificate & Gap Certificate from Original notarized 100/- Rupees stamp paper (if applicable) for onward transmission to the WBUHS for completing the registration process. on or before 20.12.2022 02-12-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1633/2022, Date -09/11/2022 Notice for the newly admitted students (2022-2023 MBBS Batch) of 1st year are hereby informed that their classes will start from Wednesday November 16, 2022 in Lecture Theatre I, Academic Building, M.J.N Medical College & Hospital on 10:00 AM onwards. 09-11-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1305/2022, Dated-13/09/2022, Notice for all the students of 2021-2022 batch of MBBS course are directed to submit the orginal migration Certificate/School Leaving Certificate & Orginal notarized paper for onward transmission to the WBUHS for completing the registration process. on or before 20.09.2022 13-09-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1184/2022, Dated -20/08/2022, Notice for a Thalassemia Screening Test for faculties, staffs and students of MJNMCH, will be conducted by the Dept. of Pathology from 21.09.2022 to 23.09.2022 at Ground Floor, Academic Building on 11:00 am. 20-08-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1180/2022, Dated -18/08/2022, Notice - Publication of 2nd Internal Assessment for Phase-I (2021-2022) Students. 18-08-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1179/2022, Dated -18/08/2022, Notice - Publication of 1st Internal Assessment for Phase-III Part-I (2019-2020) Students. 18-08-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1142/2022, Dated 06/08/2022, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - II (2020-2021 Batch) who haven't paid their Semester Fees along with Hostel fees(if applicable) are hereby directed to deposit their fees from 16/08/2022 to 18/08/2022 through student portal of College Website( only. 06-08-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1141/2022, Dated -06/08/2022, Notice - Publication of Practical Examination Schedule for Paramedical course (DRD, DMLT, DOPT) Students. 06-08-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1140/2022, Dated -06/08/2022, Notice - Publication of 2nd Internal Assessment for Phase-I (2021-2022) Students. 06-08-2022
Memo No: COE/UHS/1020/2022, Dated 18/07/2022, Schedule of 2nd Professional MBBS Examinations August-September, 2022 (New Regulation) 22-07-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1083/2022, Dated 22/07/2022, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - I (2021-2022 Batch) who haven't paid their Log Book Fees are hereby directed to deposit their Log Book fees from 27/07/2022 to 29/07/2022 through student portal of College Website( only. 22-07-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1005/2022, Dated -05/07/2022, Notice - This is to inform that the Theory Examination 1st Internal Assessment of Phase-II (2020-2021) will be held on the following dates. 05-07-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/982/2022, Dated -27/06/2022, Notice - Publication of 1st Internal Assessment for Phase-II (2020-2021) Students. 27-06-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/977/2022, Dated -24/06/2022, Notice - Publication of Practical Examination Schedule for DMLT course Students. 24-06-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/935/2022, Dated 16/06/2022, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - II (2020-2021 Batch) and Phase - I (2021-2022 Batch) are hereby directed to deposit their Log Book fees from 20/06/2022 to 25/06/2022 through student portal of College Website( only. 16-06-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/934/2022, Dated -16/06/2022, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase - II (2020-2021 batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 3rd Semester fees & Hostel fees (if applicable) from 20/06/2022 to 25/06/2022 through student portal of College Website( only. 16-06-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/895/2022, Dated -04/06/2022, Notice - Publication of Theory and Practical Examination Schedule for Paramedical course (1st Year & 2nd Year Batch) Students. 04-06-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/763/2022, Dated -05/05/2022, Notice for the MBBS students of Phase I & Phase II (2019-2020 & 2020-2021 Batch) are hereby informed that to collect their marksheet from the Student's section on 06/05/2022 to 18/05/2022 in between 10:00 am to 3.30 pm. 05-05-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/750/2022, Dated -30/04/2022, Notice - Publication of 1st Semester Examination Schedule for MBBS 1st Prof.(2021-2022 Batch) Students. 30-04-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/593/2022, Dated -29/03/2022, Notice for the MBBS students of 2nd Prof.(2019-2020 batch) are hereby directed to deposit their 4th Semester fees & Hostel fees (if applicable) in the Student's section from 04/04/2022 to 08/04/2022 in between 10:30 am to 3.30 pm. 29-03-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/581/2022, Date -26/03/2022 Notice for the students of 2019-2020 MBBS Batch are hereby informed that the schedule of the internal assessment for supplementary students has been changed. 26-03-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/419/2022, Date -05/03/2022 Notice for the newly admitted students (2021-2022 MBBS Batch) of 1st year are hereby informed that their classes will be start from Monday March 07, 2022 in Lecture Theatre I, Academic Building, M.J.N Medical College & Hospital on 10:00 AM onwards. 05-03-2022
Memo No- MJNMC/Prin/370/2022, Dated: 28/02/2022 - Principal of MJN Medical College & Hospital, Cooch Behar, hereby extended the last date of extension of previous eight (8) tender notices of this office upto 07/03/2022, 3 PM. For more details please refer the notice. 28-02-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/361/2022, Date -24/02/2022 Notice for the MBBS students of 2nd Prof(2019-2020 batch) are hereby directed to deposit their pending 2 (two) Semester fees & Hostel fees (if applicable) in the Student's section from 25/02/2022 to 26/02/2022 in between 10:30 am to 3.30 pm. 24-02-2022
CORRIGENDUM NOTICE: In reference to the previous Notice vide Memo No.: MJNMC/Prin/1118/2021 dated 20/12/2021, the Internal Assessment (Theory) of 2nd Prof MBBS for January, 2022 will be conducted through online mode only. 10-01-2022
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1118/2021, Date -20/12/2021, Notice for Internal examination (Theory) of 2nd Prof MBBS for January, 2022 (Batch 2019-20) New Regulations will be held at Lecture Hall-2, Academic Building, MJN Medical College & Hospital, Cooch Behar, as per the following dates & times. 20-12-2021
Memo No: MJNMC/Prin/1117/2021, Date -20/12/2021 Office of the MJN Medical College & Hospital, Cooch Behar, Notice for students of 1st Prof MBBS year 2020-2021 are hereby directed to deposit their 2nd Semester fees & Hostel fees in the student section. The last date of fees deposit is 24/12/2021. 20-12-2021
CORRIGENDUM (Memo No.: 2646/MJNMCH, Dated: 02/11/21) - Tender Value of NIT No.: 2598/MJNMCH, Dated: 29/10/21 and e-Tender ID: 2021_HFW_348879_1 to be read as Rs.30,00,000/- (Thirty Lac only) instead of Rs.70,000/- (Seventy Thousand only). 02-11-2021
Memo No: MSVP/MJN MCH/2600, Dated: 29/10/21 - Office of the Medical Superintendent cum Vice-Principal of MJN Medical College & Hospital hereby invites Sealed Auction (price as a whole) from the bonafide Businessman/ Firms/persons for the disposal of 4 Debdaru and one Siris tree from the premise of Maharaja Jitendra Narayan Hospital "as it is where basis". Last date of submitting auction paper is 16/11/21 within 3pm. 29-10-2021